
The LeadIM questionnaire provides inspiring insights and hands-on recommendations with respect to a plethora of leadership competencies

  • The LeadIM provides meaningful feedback on someone’s leadership personality and leadership competencies as well as on indicators of potential with regard to the assumption of a leadership role.
  • The LeadIM is based on well-founded, scientific concepts from psychology, but also integrates modern leadership concepts, such as agile leadership.
  • The four LeadIM key dimensions are the attitude as a leader (“Leadership Mindset”), the preferred leadership strategies (“Leadership Strategies”), protective factors (“Protectors”), and indicators of potential (“Boost Factors”).
  • The Leadership Mindset is about a leader’s self-identity that is used to perform a leadership role and to take the lead in a very specific context.
  • From a psychological point of view, these preferences are derived from the personality types according to Fritz Riemann and Christoph Thomann, which form the basis of various personality models.

There can be different priorities and focal points here. The LeadIM is used to determine whether someone…

  • has a strong desire to exert influence and the willingness to lead
  • prioritizes inspiration, change, and innovation in leadership
  • is more focused on structure, processes, planning, and good workflows or
  • defines their role strongly through the ability to integrate others.
  • Leadership Strategies are about the practical strategies of influencing others.
  • Here, a clear difference can be made between different people in terms of how they influence others.
  • People with a strong ability to convince others and to provide meaning attach great importance to convincing others rationally with good arguments and a coherent storyline.
  • Others motivate and activate people primarily at the personal, emotional level.
  • Very assertive and controlling people tend to find it easy to deal with conflicts and resistance.
  • People who primarily develop and support others attach great importance to empowering them to become more efficient, independent, and autonomous.
  • Boost Factors are those factors that support the development of leadership potential. The stronger the boost factors are, the greater the likelihood that someone will be able to realize their leadership potential or further strengthen and develop their existing leadership skills.
  • According to Carol Dweck’s research on the growth mindset, people with a high motivation to learn see mistakes as an opportunity to learn new things and are therefore open to taking on challenges.
  • Based on findings on achievement motivation (see David McClelland), people with a strong ambition set themselves challenging goals and pursue them with determination.
  • People with a high degree of self-confidence believe, as described by Albert Bandura, that they can master tasks under their own steam and are responsible for their own achievements.
  • Initiative describes a person’s motivation to proactively shape their environment and to take action without being asked to do so.
  • Protectors, on the other hand, prevent someone from showing behavior that in certain situations is not effective and may sabotage their success. In this way, they help you not to “put a spanner in your works.”
  • Empathy predicts how good someone is at “reading” people and getting them on board in exactly the way their personality requires.
  • A highly developed ability to self-reflect indicates how intensively people are able to think about themselves and correct and adapt their behavior.
  • People with a high degree of resilience are “thick-skinned” and have strategies for coping with situations marked by stress and high pressure.
  • If someone has a lot of willpower, they will be able to endure periods with unfavorable conditions or high levels of exertion better than someone who has less staying power and self-control (see Roy Baumeister).

Scientifically sound – safe to use online

  • LeadIM reports are clearly structured and easy to understand, making them immediately usable for participants and decision-makers
  • A clearly structured brief report is available for HR representatives and decision-makers
  • Possibility of focused user training: We offer online training to convey how the LeadIM results are evaluated, but without certification obligation
  • Self-reflection and coaching questions support participants in systematically working on their personal development based on the test results
  • On request, participants can view and download their test results online
  • The underlying scientific model was tested and confirmed by an independent university institute.
  • The quality criteria for the internal consistency (Cronbach’s Alpha) of the scales are on average α=0.76, N=1,982.
  • The LeadIM is continuously statistically reviewed and evaluated.

As a HR representative, you can personally manage the LeadIM on request, send automated invitations to participants, and access the final reports.

The test administration platform is straightforward, intuitive to use, and you have a complete overview of participants, response rates, and final reports.

Michael Paschen, Managing Director

Contact us to find out more – we will get back to you on the same day to arrange a web session and discuss the possibilities of using our LeadIM Online Test. We look forward to hearing from you!

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