Talent management (TM) not only serves to provide companies with talent. It can also make a significant contribution to corporate success and change culture. Provided organizations align their TM with entrepreneurial goals, and neither take on too much nor too little.

We are familiar with the TM of many leading companies, so you can benefit from best practices in our TM projects. But we also know: Recipes for success are not transferable on a one-to-one basis, certainly not in TM.
The goals of talent management are as diverse as the company strategies from which they are derived. This premise determines our work for you. What entrepreneurial goals do you want to achieve through TM? Only through this clear entrepreneurial goal orientation does the success of TM become measurable.

And depending on the corporate and leadership culture, different solutions are available to achieve these goals. On the one hand, good TM emerges from the culture of your company or is compatible with this culture. On the other hand, TM also has a simultaneous effect on the culture, so that it develops further and the company thus takes a step forward. Good TM is always also cultural and corporate development. However, companies sometimes get carried away with radical changes, and the well thought-out processes are not put into practice. So it all depends on the right dosage. The current maturity level of talent management plays a decisive role here.

We distinguish four maturity stages of TM that are practiced in companies. At each stage, the HR areas, the leaders including top management, and the talents are characterized by typical behaviors and have certain roles that shape the common understanding of talent development – and thus also the corporate culture. Together with our customers, we analyze the maturity level to identify: Can the company even meet the requirements of its currently imposed TM goals? And if not: Where do adjustments need to be made? How can the TM on the one hand and the company on the other be aligned in such a way that there is both the necessary fit and a change step is taken?

With expertise and a keen sense for what is feasible in your company, with your management, your leaders, and your employees, we support you in the development of your talent management. Always with the goal of making a measurable contribution to the success of your company through TM.

Maturity levels in talent management


Talent management can only work if it fits the company’s culture and willingness to learn. That means – the company must not set new TM goals that far exceed the level of the existing TM. Four different levels or maturity levels of talent management can be observed in practice.

Reactive talent managementSelective talent managementSystematic talent managementInternalized talent management
Basic type of functionIt is concerned with specific recruitment and personnel developmentTM consists of various measures not yet integrated into an overall conceptTM is formed from flexible, coordinated processes, tools, and measures derived from strategic challengesThere is a talent development culture in action for all employees in the organization
Role of HRTalent acquisition: HR serves as an acquirer of talent in the event of an identified needProject manager: HR managers are responsible for TM measures that are implemented as projects in parallel with other HR workBusiness talent partner: HR jointly organizes and manages the integration of TM processes and tools in close contact with leaders and top managementBusiness Angel: TM managers monitor the use and success of established processes and tools and develop them further in coordination with leaders and top management
Role of leadersCustomer: Leaders place an order with HR when vacancies need to be filledSpecific supporter: Leaders know and use individual TM measures to select and develop employeesHuman resources strategist: Leaders continuously plan employee development as part of the strategy for their own area of responsibilityCatalyst: Leaders support employee development across divisions and locations as a leadership task
Role of the talentsLucky devil: Talents are individual identified high performers/talents who continue their careers with the companyParticipant: Talents are identified high potentials who participate in special development measures as relevant future high performersProactive user: Talents use existing, aligned measures to develop into leaders, project managers, expertsEntrepreneurial self-developer: Talents identify their own potential with the support of the organization and develop it further in a sustainable manner to be able to meet future challenges of the company
Drees & Sommer
Practical guidance and support in the design and implementation of a new process to select personnel
BBT Gruppe – Barmherzige Brüder Trier e. V.
Provision of consultancy services concerning the further development ofthe competence model
Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Practical guidance and support in optimizing the recruitment process, including training for managers
E.ON Inhouse Consulting GmbH
Support in the design of a new internal evaluation and feedback system
REWE Group
Conception and implementation of (remote and face-to-face) assessment, development and reflection centers for different management levels of REWE Group
UCB Group (ehemals Schwarz Pharma AG)
Conception and implementation of trainings to prepare managers for the implementation of the SCHWARZ PHARMA Performance Dialogue
Mercedes Benz AG
Design and implementation of a global Potential AC process (PV44) with digital support (booking process and event administration as a digital end-to-end solution via Profil M – own solutions). Each year, more than 1000 participants go through the process in the events moderated by Profil M.
Benteler Stahl/Rohr GmbH
Design and implementation of a multi-source feedback to evaluate the individual development of the participants at the end of the leadership development program.
Krones AG
Development of a level- and career-specific competence model
Beiersdorf AG
Development of a computer-based interview tool for personnel selection(international use)
LANXESS Deutschland GmbH
12-month learning journey for corporate talents that uses a DC, self-directed blended learning elements and digital tools such as AC-Suite and Profil M Academy to support participants’ self-reflection, international networking and career orientation, as well as providing guidance on strengths and areas for development.
Primondo Management Service GmbH
Development and implementation of a qualification concept for the further development of the HR team
REWE Group
Conducting trainings on interviewing and diagnostics for managers and HR professionals
Beiersdorf AG
Development of a guide for HR managers entitled “implementation of management by objectives through target-agreement” workshops
Allianz SE
Implementation of the assessment-based certification process for internal talent managers
Neuapostolische Kirche NRW
Conception and implementation of leadership workshops for the successful introduction of a staff appraisal and development toolkit
Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH
Design of a competency development manual to support managers in the competency-supported development of their employees. Creation of a German and an international, English-language version
Danone GmbH
Recruiting Excellence – Trainings for the target group of German and international managers to further professionalise personnel selection
Support in the development process of the new HIMA competence model
GEPA mbH – The Fair Trade Company
Conception and implementation of a management conference
MÜNCHENER VEREIN Versicherungsgruppe
Development of an instrument for the certification of broker advisors