With a competency model that is customized for your organization, we can give your talent management and leadership development a clear direction and a binding framework. We work with you to establish a consistent connection between your corporate strategy and your talent management. HR and leadership development can therefore effectively contribute to your organization’s success.

We help you customize competency models specifically for your organization, optimize current approaches and align your existing methods for HR development to the model as well as adding new tools. As market leader in leadership development, Profil M offers you more than just expertise in the development of competency models – we can also build appraisal and assessment tools on the basis of these models as well as skills-based conceptualization of training and development programs.

We know that competency models per se do not contribute value – their value only truly unfolds in HR tools that are used effectively. We help you design your competency model so that you can strike the right balance between pragmatism and detail. The more explicitly the requirements are defined, the easier it will be for managers and employees to understand the competency model. However, a dynamic environment and heterogeneous corporate structures call for flexible, easily adaptable competency models.

Also, in an international context there is an even greater need for the competency model to be easy to understand and use. We will find the solution that is right for you by weighing up the costs and benefits.